How to make avathar film tree

I think many people saw wood bead from the film Avatar, I was very impressed with this work (and I love the movie) and I decided to do it because I derevo.No – it I bought beads, I reviewed the film and to me without any warning, it suddenly got the idea: it seemed to me that the branches of the tree are more like strings. Well, it’s in my spirit: first cooked … and then do things differently)))) Well, I decided to try and thread. Um … I think it turned out good)) Well, actually a small IC.

avathar film tree

avathar film tree

She did, looking at the frame of the movie.

avathar film tree

First, a wire frame made in my 11 large pieces of wire, then use adhesive tape made small vetki.Zatem main trunk is covered with salted dough and using a knife made relief bark.

avathar film tree

It took me two coils of white, one purple and a little pink (but you can not) .Well then measure out the string twice the length of the branches, cut and tie-and obtained twigs, something like this:

avathar film tree

First, the flowers look like sticky: as a right, but they can be combed or split, and turn to the left:

avathar film tree

Well strings are made, and to make a branch with the help of salty dough.

avathar film tree

Now, we do stand out gipsa.V my case light goes out of the ground, so I do stand out of plaster and such form.

avathar film tree

Now take a transparent disc (they’re kind of in the package sold with the usual, I do not know exactly where, just that I had) and then glue them to OBIN was deredine and they are put on the stand (the main thing that has not failed). The holes are sealed by any transparent material. Inside I put the LED garland with 100 blue lampochkami.i prigipsovyvaem the top to the base, I have made the basis of a small indentation for the outlet, then it is also zagipsovyvaetsya.Vetochki wrap in foil so they do not interfere.

avathar film tree

We are making roots, paint and coated with a protective varnish:

avathar film tree

With candles do vegetation (the process is not removed) and do “the land” In my case it is broken glass, which does not hurt the fingers to cut branches to the desired dliny.Gotovo.

avathar film tree

avathar film tree

avathar film tree
