Rainbow Bracelet

Rainbow Bracelet

Rainbow Bracelet

Today we look at a class on creating a rainbow bracelet, so that attracts attention. Bright and vibrant colors on the bracelet as a rainbow after a rain of summer. Color solution can be a wide variety of black-and-white version, or pastel colors of autumn, or even as this bracelet – bright, juicy, iridescent.


For the manufacture of bracelets with their own hands, we will need the following materials:

  • square beads (in different colors);
  • wire for jewelry;
  • Round;
  • cutter (Clippers);
  • aluminum cans or glass to shape bracelet.


Take gruglogubtsy and at one end of the wire loop will do.


Thread the beads onto the wire, any alternation of colors is up to you to your liking.


Once all the beads are put on the wire, pliers make a second loop. Cut off the excess wire cutters.


To make the bracelet shape cheat on his bank well, or for a cylindrical shape. We reserve the bracelet in this position for the night.


That’s all original rainbow bracelet ready. All good luck and good mood!