Weave necklaces with summer daisies

Weave necklaces with summer daisies


For creativity, we shall need:

  • Pearl beads, beige, figure image, 16×8 mm.
  • Beads made of stone, yellow, round, 12 mm.
  • Turquoise beads, round, 8mm & 6mm & 4mm.
  • Glass beads, clear, faceted, 6 mm.
  • Silver rings connecting.
  • Holder beads.
  • Small beads.
  • Locks snap.
  • Wire.
  • Cutters.
  • Cutters.
  • Round.


The manufacturing process:

1. Prepare a piece of wire 65 cm long, Thread the it through a 12 mm yellow bead.

2. Enter the segment “b” through the bead on the other side and tighten.


3. Add the segments “b” of the following beads: beige * 1 bead, turquoise bead 6mm * 1 and * 1 bead beige.


4. Thread the “b” through the wire around the yellow beads, then through the last bead beige.

5. Add to the segment “b” has a turquoise bead * 1 and beige beads 6 mm * 1. Thread the “b” through the wire around the yellow beads, and then through the last bead beige.



6. Repeat step 5 three times.

Note: Thread the last “b” through the yellow bead and the first bead beige.


7. Add the “a” following beads: 1 * transparent bead, turquoise bead 8 mm * 1 * 1 transparent beads, beige beads, and * 1 * 1 yellow bead.

8. Thread the “a” through the last yellow bead on the other hand, as we did in step 1.

9. Repeat steps 1-6.

Note: Thread the last “a” three beads, as shown in the photo.


10 .Povtorite and follow the remaining three flowers.


11. Collect the beads in both segments in the following order: 1 * transparent bead, turquoise bead 4 mm * 1 * 1 transparent beads and turquoise bead 8 mm * 1. The length depends on your neck.


12. Add and carabiner locks by means of connecting rings, beads and small beads holders.

12 13

That’s all. Original necklace fulfilled.


Courtesy: russian-handmade.com