Bottle “Oriental motif.”

Bottle “Oriental motif.”


Ingredients : white rice, peas, mung bean, cumin, sesame seeds, hemp twine. The basis of the vase : glass bottle round shape. Optional : clay, transparent glue “Moment”. Selection of materials First, you must choose the right combination of bottle shape and ornament. For example, in this work prevails ornament with round and oval elements, so the bottle is taken round shape. If you opt for a three- or four-sided bottle, use of ornament shapes with corners, squares and rectangles. The choice of clay. In this paper, clay is the main background, so if we talk about the color of clay, then the rice and peas “mung” look great on plasticine red and orange colors. In any case, try to select materials in such a way that the folded pattern of them was not lost on the background of clay. When choosing a clay to consider its hardness, or clay will be difficult to apply to bottle and give it the desired shape. Too soft as clay, when applied to a bottle, will come off from the glass. Also it is too soft plasticine poorly kept most materials.

Step 1 must apply clay almost the entire surface of the bottle, leaving uncovered only the neck. Then take a sharp stick and draw a contour ornament right on the bottle. Do not forget about the symmetry of the ornament! Then you need to lay out of the selected materials ornament itself firmly pushing seeds and cereals in clay. At this stage, the main observe symmetry. Pay particular attention to large circles, is the center of the composition. They outline laid hemp twine, the distance between the circles not more than 1.5 cm. For the colors, similar to chamomile, used for the mid-peas “mash”, as their petals are made of rice. The flower in the middle of the circle is made as follows: for the middle used peas ” mash “around one row of peas laid sesame seeds, petals made of cumin.

Step 2 Once the bottle is laid across the ornament, you must give the remaining plasticine relief. Take the metal clip and straighten it. Now you have a tool with which you can apply to a variety of clay bars. It is desirable that they are as close as possible to each other and have the same direction.

Step 3 Take a sufficient amount of hemp twine, put on the neck of the bottle transparent glue “Moment” and wrap the neck with string from the bottom up. You can not zamatyvat neck with twine, and put on it and continue clay ornament. In this paper, roll up the neck to emphasize the spherical shape of the bottle. Note! This bottle can be covered with clear lacquer in 1-3 layers. Firstly, the materials will be kept even stronger, and secondly, from the bottle will be washed off the precipitated dust on it.