I love embroidery ribbons. Much of the material collected in the diary. But for those who are just beginning to engage in this fascinating needlework, this information is fairly fragmented.
“For a start – we need a tissue in principle -. Strips can embroider virtually any tissue -. Starting with organza and silk and finishing knitwear and velvet Needles should always be with a wide eye. It is best to needle type chenille – wide ear and sharp tip.
If there are no such – can be pricked sew and tapestry – a broad and blunt ear tip, but it will be more difficult
You may also need regular sewing needle with a sharp tip motif embroidery suggest this one:
Those. – We will embroider heart. A little tune to change the shape of the finished embroidery. Those. – If there is a desire – it can fill in the blanks .. For example:
The circuit in principle is not critical, since the number of colors and their arrangement in the figure will depend on your existing belts and personal preference. I need it for the general presentation – which part of the heart that will embroider … on tape
We believe that is available in your home or in stores.
I ribbons in three sizes: 2mm, 3mm and 5mm.
It turns out that my flowers are small enough. _________________
Cut long ribbons do not need -inache izmahritsya during embroidery and pomnetsya – I cut about 40 cm Make a knot for attaching the tape to the fabric One tip of the tape cut off straight. Fold the ribbon
pierce the needle
And stretch the ribbon through to the end – at the tip of the belt turns a neat bundle
In any case – scheme
Fasten the ribbon on the needle
second tape cut off the tip at an angle – so it will be easier to insert a needle:
Needle tip pierces the tape about an inch from the edge
Pull the tip of a long tape to the punctured hole pulled up eyelet needles:
Now we take a short tip drag it to the end of the needle eye and remove it with a needle, like stitching tape
Gently whole thing tightens
I want you to learn is not just on the final circuit and precise instructions to embroider, namely improvise focusing on the materials available, and not on the guidance in books or magazines: toyou:. Even more so – that there is nothing complicated about it …: attack:: attack: Heart each of us can draw that size – that he needs. It is simply form – which we will have to fill the embroidery. The scheme will be needed only for the fact that to some bearings -. Which zone heart what flowers embroidery Just depending on the tapes from a heart the size of each get a different number of flowers. For example – you will have five major
I did the size based on the size of the available cloth: roll My heart in the widest part of the horizontal got 14 cmContour I outlined the points of the water-soluble marker
In the first part of the lesson we fill the site marked in blue on the chart
It is not necessary to do the same amount of flowers – you can make flowers smaller, but in larger quantities. Or a smaller number of large flowers.
Please note – between the flowers have space -. For the leaves I first orientation for one embroidered flower, look – suits me or not its form and size, and only then mark the outline for the rest of the flowers
Dedicated section we will fill roses embroidered on a cobweb.
Gossamer floss can be made from yarn, and can be from the same county
We will do the second method if you have a good eye – you can do without markup: wink note circle for the future of the flower – my diameter of about 2.5 cm Divide into five sectors. Hopefully the photos will be clear. Make a cobweb
Next the pictures can be seen that we have made the last ray of the needle on the underside does not derive, as the tape is pulled under the already embroidered rays
Begins to form rosettes alternately stretching the tape over or under the rays of webs
Last stitch: the withdrawal tape inside out and fasten it
Tapes are not particularly better to spread – so rosette turns popushistey and poestestvenney.
Tension degree take your pick – there’s someone like that. I make a tight flower (just used so) can make the tension bands are weaker – a flower will look a little girlfriend
try .. experiment ..: flowers: As I said – after rebuffing the first roses – I mark where I’ll embroider the rest of roses
I decided to make rosettes in three colors: light blue, blue and blue-turquoise
To begin the second part:
Fill flowers sector marked in pink
Take the ribbon from a long = 12.5 * width of the tape. Plus 2-3 mm on each side – their obpalit lighter. Mark up the tape into five parts by the width of the tape 2.5 *
Sewn seam forward needle thread suitable for conventional color, as shown in Figure
Take the ends of the thread, tighten the assembly and tying thread
One thread tail cut off, and the second vdevaem a needle and sew flower onto the fabric. Stitches are doing in the center of the area where the tape prisborennoe
Ribbon 2mm make French knots in the heart.
Number wound around the needle to pick and choose – I did just one round. You can not make a French tape and floss. Or sew beads or beads. I was unable to process sfotat – uncomfortable Fota with one hand and twist the tape at the same time and hold it. So – who do not know – how to make French – Watch the video:
Making the right amount of flowers:
Half-open flower make of ribbons divided into three parts (on the same principle as the divide and 5 petals)
Do bud from one segment of the ribbon:
Sewn onto the fabric in the area where the tape is strapped
Board: half-open flower and bud of sew on the fabric a little away from the other colors – keep in mind that we still need to make a cup of flowers. By varying the different amounts of buds, flowers, and a large half-open, you can get a completely individual picture Making stamens. Ribbon 2 mm pull on the front side
Is twisted ribbon,
pierces the tissue in the area where we will have stamens tip and holding the ribbon to not untwisted, pulling inside out and immediately deduce it on the front side by making a hole next to the previous one – on the tip of stamen embroider French knot
In the same way you do the right amount of stamens. You can make these stamens and larger flowers
Scheme I noted their green and light green colors. Depending on – one or two colored ribbons you will use when rebuffing ribbons – define and color twigs
If one color tapes on all sheets – then, of course – all branches embroider and one color floss. I’m on the lower branches, forming a heart shape He took to the ribbon leaves a thin light-green color – 3 mm. It leaves are smaller and the rest leaves the tape 5mm – Green picked up by the color floss
Embroider conventional stalk seam
My branches:
On the “hanging” branches, I decided to make the buds.
Embroider them we’ll tape stitches
Buds I embroidered ribbons 5 mm
Output the tape on the front, straighten
Needle pierces the tape in the area where you will be the tip of the bud and display the needle with the tape on the underside
Spreads tape start to tighten, forming the tip of the bud
For bud tighten the ribbon, the tip turned sharp
Cups buds do the same – stitch belt (I have the tape of 5 mm). Print the ribbon just below the lowest point of the finished bud
Make tape stitch – as described above, only tighten it harder to obtain a narrow leaf
Embroider one more piece of paper:
The lower part of the calyx – a straight stitch (which we embroidered flowers daisies type) displayed at the bottom of the bud from the left side and go on the wrong side of the right. It turns like a loop, which we from the bottom wraps bud.
Spreads and tighten
The same ribbon stitch embroider the leaves, which are marked on the circuit green.
Depending on whether – or how much you will not tighten the ribbon in the stitch – will change the shape of the leaves. You can also change the shape of leaves, piercing the tape is not centered, and right or left of center.
I’m on the “hanging” branches leaves embroidered ribbon of 5 mm, and around the roses – ribbon 1 cm
Twigs in the bottom of the heart, which are marked blednozelenym color, embroider seam, which many embroidery known as “Lazy Daisy” To do this, the weld can be in the process of sewing ribbon straighten, can on the contrary – to leave as it lies (I think – so more naturally obtained) – in general – as you like
Here is what I got in the end:
Nether I plan to fill beads. Who is suitable not – so I just drew on the photos – so you can imagine – will look like: