How to make cardboard photo frames

cardboard photo frames

How to make cardboard photo frames

I present to you a master class on creating frames,

photo frames (1)

For manufacturing need the following materials:
– Corrugated cardboard I used from a variety of cartons.
– Ordinary cardboard.
– Old wallpaper.
– An old photo album with “a file” for the photo.
– Bamboo stick sushi or any other wand at your convenience.
– coffee medium rare (I tried to use a jockey, but stopped for a coffee “Black card” Arabica Since overcooked coffee often cracks and falls off.).
– twine.
– varnish and paint spray.
– different types of embellishments – pasta (painted), thread “snail “and other fantasies on a given topic.
– wooden toothpicks.

Tool Kit:
– a favorite tool of my knife vorchuli.
– Universal glue (the Titan Wild).
– Glue gun.
– Scissors.
– Hook number 2.5.
– Fanerinki size of ~ 250 * 320 mm (to cut them, glue, use 2 -x fanerin as press).

To begin to mark up our corrugated cardboard frames.
For the manufacture of one frame takes 2 marked cardboard base. Accordingly, for a triple frame required 6 marked the basics.
– box under the photo: 100 x 150 mm.
– External dimensions: 160 * 210 mm.

photo frames (2) photo frames (3) photo frames (4) photo frames (5)

Next, glue the frames in pairs.
After smeared – frames put under the press.

photo frames (6)

Once the basics are stuck together to begin pasting.
When cutting wallpaper pasting under the foundations, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the bonded substrates.
Oh, and paste is necessary so that the white side oboin remained outside.

photo frames (7) photo frames (8) photo frames (9)

When we pasted our bases – again we send the press.
I have used the press of 2 fanerin, which I vorchuley sit for 5 minutes.

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Once the foundations have already take the form of frames – take and stained with 2 sides brown paint.

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After the paint has dried, proceed to pasting frames our coffee with a universal glue.

photo frames (12) photo frames (13)

The end of the side cover and papered using a glue gun. Otherwise, poorly kept.

photo frames (14) photo frames (15)

Then, when all the glue, we go somewhere on the balcony and there begin the painting process.
I draw your attention that the side and end coffee beans need to paint well, and you get not very priglyadny option and have to deal with are stained.

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After the paint has dried – lachim.

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So far, all of our exercises on chemical painting frames dry up, we will deal with string-cords.
Take the bamboo stick from a set of sushi and tied it.
Next to it are binding long chains of aerial loops around the edges – they will hold our frames.

photo frames (18)

Take an old photo album with “a file” on photos and razdrakonivaem it into separate “I’ve found.”

photo frames (19)

Next glue produced “a file” on a cardboard or corrugated cardboard base and get support.

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And after all the frames will be connected chain stitches, take another short chain of air loop and attach to fix the substrate “a file” for the photos. All these actions are carried out using a glue gun.
As you can see, fixing the substrate with a photo made ​​with wooden toothpicks.

photo frames (21) photo frames (22)

Here is a general rear view of how things are done and fixed.

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After all this, we take our frames and engaged in their embellishment.
In this set, I made ​​of twine, “snail”, which, after painted with silver paint. But twine strongly absorbed the paint, and I 2nd time not covered with paint these ulitochki. As a result, they seem a little faded.

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And here I was decorated with the help of pasta in the form of ribbons, which are also painted in 1 layer. Since the pasta absorb less, they look good on the general background.

photo frames (25) photo frames (26)
