How to make key holder from empty plastic bottles
So, for my crafts, I took a bottle of green color, as conceived polyanka.So all sides cut out the leaves, the grass (to your taste). I got like this.
I also needed to wash cloths posudy.Ih thickness of about 5 mm.
From napkins tsvety.Za cut out the expense of tissue thickness flowers obtained obemnymi.Seredku paint colors. Glue the flowers to make steblyam.Mozhno and butterflies, God’s korovok.Slovom, dream.
This hack will delight your rebenka.Na clearing he could settle his toy animals.
And you can use this hack as a gift-a gift-upakovku.Pomestite sculpture vnutr- and gift ready.
I “settled” on clearing paper fox … not only to create a story for krasoty.Ona hides the nail, which holds podelka.A I hung it on the wall for a reason … That’s the nail, which I hid.
On grass hang klyuchi.I is our hack has turned into a housekeeper.