How to make roses topiary
My Topiary with roses and balls.
Materials required for the manufacture of Topiary: flower pot, newsprint, glue, gel (transparent adhesive) Universal Moment, napkins white crepe paper in two colors, thread.
The width of the strips in the manufacture of 5-roses cm, length can vary – 30 cm or more (upper bowl is made more large flowers, to the edge, they can be a little smaller) Edge strips twisted by, the top itself is slightly stretched. Curl up in the bud.
Flower fixed thread, thread color in the tone of the flower.
These are the roses are obtained. Number of roses is not determined by a specific number. It all depends on how you want to distribute them on the main form, alternating with colored .sharikami. The main principle-even rotation.
Spheres formed from the tissue (took 3/4 wipes for one ball), reinforcing thread (the thread can be used, or white, or green in color crepe paper)
Of the approximately 1 cm wide strips twisted thread.
Sliced corrugated (crepe) paper on the green side of the square is 5-6cm.
Locked paper thread end of the thread is attached with white glue. Try to lay the thread evenly.
Glued parts, alternating roses and balloons. We start with the top of the world.
The last row, rose, pasted evenly between the balls.
View from above. Glue the main part of a flower pot, glue gel.
Ready product.
We meet spring !!!
All the good health and good mood !!!