Skin glow with egg and egg white

egg white on face overnight egg white on face overnight

Egg whites have been used for ages in beauty treatments because of their high protein and albumin content which tones the skin and makes it fairer. Eggs are not only good for your diet but for your beauty packs too. It tightens large skin pores, reduces wrinkles, removes the signs of aging, controls oil secretion and most importantly, promotes skin lightening. Ditch the chemical-based products loaded in the market and switch to natural ingredients like eggs that are always present in your kitchen. Here are some easy homely beauty remedies using eggs and egg whites for skin whitening.

How to get fairness with egg whites?
Egg white and lemon juice face pack for fair skin

Beat two egg whites and mix in two tablespoons each of olive oil and lemon juice. Lemon also helps to mask the smell which may be bothering you. Chill this mixture for about half an hour and apply it on your face using a brush. Apply it well to cover the whole face and let it dry completely before you wash it off with cold water.

Both lemon juice and egg white have properties to promote skin fairness. Along with skin brightening, it also promotes blood circulation in the face. You can see a difference in fairness and skin texture if you follow this regime once or twice weekly.

Egg white and tomato juice face pack for skin whitening

Beat two egg whites and mix in 4 tablespoons of fresh tomato juice. Mix them well and apply it on clean face with a brush. Let the layer dry off completely before you wash it off. Tomato juice helps to reduce sun damage and dark spots on the skin and is a natural protector against harmful sun rays. Egg whites remove the deposited pollution particles and dead skin cells and increases blood circulation to leave behind smooth and glowing skin. Try this once a week to achieve fair skin.

Egg white and orange juice face pack for skin brightening

Orange juice is a proven ingredient for the best kind of skin brightening. When mixed with egg white, it gets even better, and this is one of the ultimate face packs meant for skin brightening. Get fair skin easily by blending orange juice along with egg whites. You can add some dry orange peel powder too for added benefit as they work as the perfect scrub for dry skin cells and impurities. This face pack has vitamin C and bleaching properties to make the skin fairer and healthy. It also helps skin to regenerate and look younger.

Egg whites and turmeric face pack for clear skin

If fair skin is all you want, you must try this unfailing natural remedy that brightens your skin and also gets rid of skin problems, rashes, dark spots, acne and acne scars and the signs of aging. Turmeric has properties to treat all kinds of skin problems and lighten acne scars. Egg whites too are known for brightening the skin tone while tightening the pores and getting rid of wrinkles. Mix in an egg white and one small teaspoon of turmeric powder and brush it on your face. Let it dry before you wash it off. Watch your face glowing in a few days.

Egg white, cucumber juice and yoghurt face pack for fairness

Mix together 1-2 egg whites, 4 tablespoon of cucumber juice and 2 tablespoon of yoghurt and blend them into a fine paste. Apply this face pack all over your face and let it dry before you wash it off. This is considered a magical remedy for fairness. While cucumber juice cools the skin, yoghurt keeps it soft and moisturized. Egg whites remove the skin impurities and excess oils, prevent acne and reduce present acne scars and also helps in repairing damaged cells to promote younger and fairer looking skin. Egg whites have potassium and magnesium to keep the skin hydrated and protected from cell damage.

So, the answer to your questions regarding fairness and skin brightening techniques is present in your home itself. Now that you know about the various unfailing face packs made using egg whites, just follow the routine and flaunt natural fairness without any makeup in just a few weeks.