Soap like a slice of tomato
So that was like a soap slice of tomato on a section, you must select the appropriate content. Flowers convey the texture is too difficult and labor-intensive, so I propose to make a new soap “tomato slices” on the basis of natural loofah.
Loofah – a sponge plant origin, manufactured by drying the southern annual plant of the family Pumpkin. Because it is made natural hypoallergenic wool, having massage properties and peeling effect.
Season ripe loofah is in the fall. ” Come in October , “- responded to the stores for mylotvorchestva. Week unsuccessful search led me to the Internet, where the order can bring anything you want, even an elephant! And now, as the happy owner of a valuable trophy to the joy of sharing a welcome recipe.
For the preparation of soap with loofah “tomato slices” must be :
100 g of a transparent soap base,
red food coloring (liquid or dry)
1 teaspoon yarrow oil (or any other base oil)
8-10 drops of flavor “Strawberry” (or essential oil of choice)
dry loofah (soaked in water should not be).
Pre-cut off from a part of loofah desired height, depending on the desired number of pieces of soap. Select round plastic or silicone mold of suitable size. Mix all the ingredients by standard techniques, as described herein .
Fill loofah obtain a liquid mixture of soap and that it does not pop up, put a weight on top (I have – it butylek oil). Leave to cool until completely hardened our soap, then gently remove the molds, leveled top and cut the soap into several parts ribbed knife.
Get the “tomato slices” stimulate blood circulation, have excellent moisturizing properties, peeling effect, and in addition, seductive smell strawberries! This soap is ideal when dealing with severe cellulite. However, the impact of loofah quite tough, so use the “slices” as necessary, but not more than 2 times a week, so as not to traumatize the skin surface.
Feel free to choose their flavor and color. Experiment, and the result will exceed all your expectations. Natural Soap will be an original gift, made with his own hands for the relatives and friends.
Tip of the day:
If soap is not removed from the plastic mold, so as not to damage, it is necessary to mold already growing cold soap send in the freezer for five minutes. When the soap is compacted and hardened, it will get much easier .