Vase in the technique of “papier-mache”

Vase in the technique of “papier-mache”


We need:

  • Form for the future vase;
  • Newspapers;
  • White paper;
  • glue;
  • Disposable gloves;
  • Polyethylene film;
  • Gouache;
  • Glossy varnish;
  • Brushes and gouache varnish.

1. The preparatory stage.
Prepare for the future shape of the vase. If you choose the shape with a smooth surface, the work will be easier. Outside shape vystelit polyethylene to, removing the bowl shape not to damage any future vase or the form itself.

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Dilute glue adhesive with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Breaking into small pieces of paper (small pieces of newspaper to make the surface more even vases and large rectangular segments streamline). The number of newspapers that you will need depends on the size of your vase and the desired wall thickness.

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2. Making a vase.
For this phase of work will be useful disposable gloves. Dropping pieces of newspaper in glue diluted with water, gently impose them on the outside of the form (remember that the pre-form is necessary to cover it with polyethylene). Stretches to impose a circle. When the first ball is ready, you can give it some time to dry out, or continue to work the ball for ball superimposing newspaper segments. For best performance and durability of the finished product, newspaper clippings better to put in 8 layers.

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The drying process depends on the number of layers and can take from two to four days.
When the bowl is dry, it should be carefully removed from her form. For the preparation of a dressing of the vase, it must be pasted small pieces of white paper in several layers on the outside and inside. For adhesion of white paper using the same method as in the bonding press. Coated white paper vase leave for another day.

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3. Decoration of the vase.
The decor of your vases depends only on your imagination. We offer ready-made vase cover designs using conventional gouache. Why gouache, watercolors instead? It’s simple. Watercolors give a softer image as a transparent watercolors. A gouache has a dense texture, which gives a bright and clear image.
It is important to determine what you want to apply pattern, and if you want to apply it only on the outside or on the outer and on the inner side. Drawing better pre-apply a pencil. And then draw the outline of it with a fine brush and gouache. Drawing will dry about 1-2chasov.
4. The completed and fully dried vase for comfortable use, it is desirable to varnish.

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Glossy paint will look great on the finished product. If you plan to use a bowl of food, the varnish to be found in stores for creativity. If your vase in contact with food will not be, a universal approach and an ordinary nail polish which you can buy at the hardware store (in addition, a nail will be much cheaper). Cover the finished product with varnish on all sides and leave in a ventilated area for 5 hours to completely dry.

