Wall relief

Wall relief

Wall relief


Kindergarten – a big beautiful house, which is visited by cute, clever, mischievous, inquisitive kids. In order for children to be comfortable and cozy in our kindergarten play a big role right invested in the interior, which will help in the development and education of children. Design and layout of the kindergarten has a great influence on the emotional state of pupils, as well as the formation of the psyche.

Dear colleagues, I offer you a wall decoration in a kindergarten by a bas-relief.


Bas – this is a very ancient form of wall architectural decoration, which is a three-dimensional image, a little above the plane. Select a scene for the bas pretty limitless. This can be a complex subject, a small pattern or floral design. This design of the walls create a unique charm of the room, give the design a certain mood, helps to adjust space.

For work required: putty, primer, putty knife small size, sandpaper, chalk, mole tape, latex paint, Kohler different colors.

1. On Whatman paper we draw the desired pattern or image.


2. Then transfer the pattern on the wall. To this toning the back of the chalk drawing paper, fastened with adhesive tape molar drawing paper on the wall and re-contour encircle our drawing.

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wall in the drawing.


Dilute to the consistency of putty clay.


Getting laid out a pattern of fillings.



After the filler has dried, proceed to sanding pattern and using sandpaper to emerge the necessary details of the pattern.



Use a brush to remove dust.

Paint the wall in the required color.


Then, water-based paint (various colors) sign a ready relief.

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Here is an interesting and colorful bas-relief I turned. Thank you for watching.


Courtesy: www.maam.ru