Wedding cookies
Bake cookies together with the wedding of my dreams World
Today I’ll show you how to make a cookie. It is not difficult and no special skills are not required for this. We only need a sugar dough (paste).
First you need to bake usual biscuits with a simple molds “heart.” I think that each family has its own recipe.
Now for the manufacture of sugar dough (mastic)
We need:
- Colored marshmallow
- Powdered sugar
- Citric acid (you can not add or add more to make it sour)
- You can add any flavor flavoring (almond, lemon …)
- Sieve for sifting
- Microwave
- little cornstarch, but can do without it .
- Vegetable oil or margarine.
We do not sell only one white marshmallow in the same package, they somehow mixed with pink in the package! And maybe somewhere there, but I have not seen … For mastics used only white, pink, must be added to the package and tie, otherwise they will dry out and are not suitable for mastic – tried! Or just eat it! Or maybe you have a girl and need a pink cake, then make paste of pink
Marshmallow pour into a deep container. A bit of citric acid diluted in warm water to dissolve (a pinch per tablespoon) and pour on the marshmallow. Put in the microwave for about one minute at high power. They have, as it were melted from the inside while maintaining its shape. Add flavor, depending on the flavor of your cake, or not to add at all!
We start our stir with a spoon or spatula with a long handle, and see how they become sticky and viscous homogeneous …. begin to pour powdered sugar through strainer sure! Otherwise, small lumps in the mastic we can not avoid, and we need to get a homogeneous mass – like plastic! Mix a little bit more to pour, stir, pour, etc. until we have begins to form a lump. Mislead him, get a spoon, cover with foil and wait 20-30 minutes.
Turn on your work surface and knead the dough starch or powder and lubricating oil hands. See – both stops sticking to your hands and will be similar to the clay – is ready. Work with mastic is necessary as a test, but instead of flour to use powdered sugar, starch, vegetable oil or margarine. To work with putty we need: 1. Food colour(not water based) – suitable gel and dry powder 2. A glass of water and a brush – for gluing mastic. Since the sealant is made from sugar, water dissolves it quickly adheres sweet surface between a general, mastic-like material, is no different from polymer clay and plasticine, except for “edible”. It also dries quickly so work with it you need a separate piece, keeping the rest of the paste in a closed box or plastic bag. For the “Bride” in the mastic mix with a little brown paint to get a solid color. Now we need to roll out a thin layer of mastic, prisypaya surface starch or sugar. Cut the same mold as the cookie – heart. Pastry brush wetting slightly moistened with water, and put on top of the heart of the mastic.
Screed arms, pressing and stretching, the edges of the pastry and the mastic match. To dress mastic roll out and cut molds “Flower”. Look up in sets for plastic your children. If not, it can be cut with a sharp knife petals. Cut each in half a flower, each petal flatten between your thumb and forefinger and make incisions with a knife. Glue with a brush dipped in water. And so to the end, until all form the dress. Necklace made of white cake of dressing. I just separated from colored only white. Paste them too with the help of a wet brush. And keep everyone comfortable with the tweezers. Now the “bride”.
Cut the white heart, leaving only the middle – shirt. Glued to the liver, the edges are smoothed. Paint a piece of black mastic, mixing in a black dye. Cut heart. Knife cut a triangle, which also divide in half and cut out each piece of the lapels. Glue all the pieces on a cookie to each other. We provide top moistened brush to remove residues of starch. Add the buttons (Powder for cake), you can cut and tie the pocket to make a rose out of twisted strips of mastic. That’s it! We enjoy the results. This work of art is completely edible and delicious. But the same result can be obtained from you if you are using polymer clay. For example, such decoration of plastic can give guests as key fob or as a decoration on the fridge.