Book tunnel

Book tunnel

Today, I read about new techniques TUNNEL BOOK. I do not know yet in what form is the name accustomed. Look, all of a sudden and you enjoy to make such multi-card booklets!


Butterflies swirling in the tunnel!

Here is a plan view.


As you can see – nothing complicated!

I peeked at the idea of ​​the designer Catherine Bogomolova. Here are two of her works:


True works fine? Maybe I have not really good for the first time out, but so wanted to share their emotions, do not resist and immediately made a “Butterfly”!

For the crafts necessary to take a thin cardboard or thick paper (Whatman like, for example). Cut the center of the circles. Five white “book” leaves …


… And two color to “cover” (the main cover with the slot, and the rear – just smooth sheet).


Then we have two accordion at the rate of 15 cm to bend the part of those centimeters that match the height of your product. Accordion divided by 1.5 cm.


I draw your attention to “the pages of the book” when cutting circles leave small “pins”. They glue parts (in my case – the butterflies).


First we collect, pasting pages, the inside of the “book” and then – glue “cover.” Everything! Done!

And this is the work of Carol Barton, the same artist who revived the almost forgotten technique.


Fantasy, imagination, the desire to create the perfect – are the main components of any equipment!