Decoupage plates with eggshell

For decoration, we will use a plastic plate of square shape with the size 235x235x17 mm.

plates with eggshell

For work you will also need:

napkin with a pattern,
– egg shell,
– white acrylic paint,
– gouache,
– glue PVA,
– brushes for glue and paints,
– painter’s scotch,
– pencil,
– scissors.

The edges of the plate will be decorated with eggshells with subsequent staining, we will decorate the middle of the plate with a napkin with a beautiful pattern of apples.

So, wash my plate and dry it. Then apply glue on a small area

plates with eggshell

And begin to glue the pieces of shell. Press the end of the brush to break the shell into small parts.

plates with eggshell

Gradually we cover the entire perimeter of the plate with the shell.

plates with eggshell plates with eggshell

Let the glue dry well and paint the plate with a sponge with white paint

plates with eggshell

Carefully paint all the spaces between the shell and again dry the plate.

plates with eggshell

On the painting tape, we circle the patterns of leaves.

plates with eggshell

Cut them one by one and immediately glue on the plate, alternating between small and large.

plates with eggshell plates with eggshell

To pick up the color of the paint, carefully look at the fragment of the napkin.

Mix white acrylic paint with gouache (ocher), achieve the desired shade.

plates with eggshellplates with eggshell

Gently sponge the paint on the shell.

plates with eggshell

With a damp brush or sponge, we slightly pass between the leaves to slightly lighten some areas.

plates with eggshell

Remove the adhesive tape. Some of the leaves are covered with paint. This can be corrected with white paint.

plates with eggshell

Add some other to the original color and circle the leaves along the contour with a fairly wide strip, draw the veins.

plates with eggshell

With a fine brush, we pass gouache on the contour of leaves and veins.

plates with eggshell

We have a napkin in the middle of the plate and apply a strip of glue.

plates with eggshell plates with eggshell

Carefully smear the glue in both directions, trying not to tear the napkin.

plates with eggshell

Dry the plate well, then cover the entire surface with PVA glue.

plates with eggshell

After 2-3 hours of drying, the plate will become glossy.

plates with eggshell plates with eggshell

The plate is ready, we are looking for a place on the shelf.

plates with eggshell plates with eggshell plates with eggshell

courtesy: ped-kopilka