How to make organizer

How to make organizer How to make organizer

How to make organizer

The organizer is a can with a full cover pockets of internal and external sides. The pockets are equal those of the fabric shoe racks. So the first thing we need is a can. I used a toast Condensed Milk many, many years ago. It has 48 cm diameter and 20 cm high.

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For the base we will need two rectangles with the diameter (outline) of the can that you will use more sewing margins, and tin height, and a circle the size of the can base, plus seam allowance. I used a retail felt, but may be any cloth (denim, poplin, etc.)


Let’s make the pockets of the inner side. I used the folded poplin, to become more resilient. The amount is the added width of about 5 cm for each fold.


Divided into six pockets, + – 8 cm each. Then every 8 cm, made a crease, on both sides, pinning the fabric / base;


After distributing the folds, and confer with the outline of the can (here it’s easy to fix, if missing or left over), I sewed the center of each fold, to make the dividing pockets. Then I spent a seam in the pocket background with a Viez to give the best finish.


Now just sew the side, closing.


We will prepare the inside bottom: Take the circle, fold it in half to take a poke at the corners. Do the same on the other side.

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The fund will be marked into four parts. Do the same with the prompt of the pockets: Check the stitching to the opposite party, and the other two halves.


Now let’s unite the two parts. Pin each marked part of the circle with the rectangular


Place more pins, uniting all parties.


Now just sew this part and the inner part is ready.

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Now just prepare the outside. In the second rectangle, spread the fabric for two pockets. Again used the folded fabric, only snapping up top with the Viez;


I made the same way: distributing the folds in equally spaced, but this time the fabric was folded, forming two rows of pockets.


After sewing the middle of each crease, forming pockets, just close to the bottom, which will be the bottom of the pockets.
Sew the side, closing the cylinder.

To join the inside with the outside, place the inside THE INSIDE OUT. Now put in it outside at LAW.


Pin and sew this part.

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Un tap and “seen” in the can … There you go.


The bottom of the can I just made ​​a collage, because this cover can be removed for washing.
Like it? The model I and Josivane find in .NET is that I had saved on your computer. We do not know if it was for sale or just showing decorative models; We try to find to show the origin but could not.

