How to make bag from canned keys

The idea of creating a bag I caught fire last year, started collecting these keys, but so far the results of collectibles allow us to weave only the handle for the bag))) The bag – chain mail of can keys can be made in many ways, from them: connecting the keys together with a thin wire, Using a lace and with crochet crochet

bag from canned keys

On this bag below there is a video master-class

bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys

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Let’s see how it is possible to weave a bag on the photo above
First, we need to collect as many can keys)

bag from canned keys

In this version, the keys are interconnected by a wire, which must first be cut into the same length of a piece

bag from canned keys

This is what this connection looks like

bag from canned keys

Keys are added:

bag from canned keys

Wire is inserted and wrapped

bag from canned keys

Like this:

bag from canned keys bag from canned keys

For the purse, we need 4 canvases

bag from canned keysbag from canned keys

Here is the lining for the handbag:

bag from canned keys bag from canned keys

The lining is gently sewn to the canvas of aluminum keys

bag from canned keys bag from canned keys

The creation of this bag has a video master class, which consists of several parts. Here I place only the first part, upon its completion, you will see and the continuation

bag from canned keys

This handbag is woven with a thin nylon lace and strong thread

bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys bag from canned keys

And more ideas for inspiration

bag from canned keys

courtesy: marrietta