How to make beautiful roses from egg cartons

beautiful roses from egg cartons beautiful roses from egg cartons

These roses can be made from egg packages.

Egg Roses

Recently, in Belarus, in grocery stores, they began to sell eggs in colored polystyrene packages. I immediately drew attention to the pink, pearl-casting egg packaging … And I wanted, as always, to experiment with a new kind of waste material. The results of such creative searches you see in the photo.

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

Yellow, cream, pink, green, white polystyrene egg packaging … this is a storehouse for creativity and the creation of beautiful crafts, especially flowers …

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

And we will try to make such a rose out of pink and green egg packages.

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

Here we will need such materials to create our rose:
– green and pink egg packaging (and if there is no pink and green, you can use white or another suitable color),
– green wire,
– cable ties, (used to tie cables or wires ) Such clamps come in different colors …
From the tools, you will also need a glue gun, which we will fasten the details of our flower, awl, small scissors. Egg Roses

They cut the egg cells with scissors, trying to maintain the most pointed, curved out corners …

Egg Roses

I marked with a marker the petal that we cut out of the cell, and so do with all the other cells … Narrow petals – for the middle of the rose, wide petals will border this middle …

Egg Roses

In wide (with three corners) petals-cells, we remove the bottoms with scissors so that such petals are as in the second photo … without bottoms …

Egg Roses

I marked with a marker the corners of future petals that need to be cut so as to round them. But do not overdo it … try to leave the edges of the petals curved outward as much as possible, it is they who will give our rose the shape in modeling that we would like to get …

Egg Roses

We begin to form the middle of the rose from narrow petals. Put a drop of glue on the first petal …

Egg Roses

Glue the second narrow petal, then apply a drop of glue to the second petal .. paste the third …

Egg Roses

And so, turning the core of the future rose, petal by petal form the middle of our future rose.

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

The core of the rose is ready, narrow petals are glued, fitted in shape …

Egg Roses

Now we will glue wide petals on the sides of the core …

Egg Roses

Put glue on the side of the rose and attach a wide petal. Hold the petal until it adheres firmly …

Egg Roses

Before gluing another petal, you must first apply it … look closely at how it is better to settle down … and then apply glue in this place, and then attach the petal and hold until it sticks.

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

As a result, we got such a pink bud.

Egg Roses

This is how the bottom of the rose looks in the first photo. We put glue on this bottom, and put on top of it another petals …

Egg Roses

The hole in the lower base of the rose was minimized … Here we drop a drop of hot glue into this hole and put a wire into it …

Egg Roses

At the base of the rose, green leaves will be made from the top cover of the package. We have this form. It was no coincidence that I cut it into two halves …

Egg Roses

On the inside of such a half, I marked with a marker the leaves around the conical cup, and removed the excess with small scissors. You can now see that we ended up with a sepal and receptacle for our rose.

Egg Roses

They cut small cloves along the edges of the leaves of our sepals with small scissors …

Egg Roses

A pen with a green rod drew veins on leaflets, and then they were tinted with a green permanent marker.

Egg Roses

In the middle of a cone-shaped receptacle-sepal, an aperture was made with an awl, through which a green wire with a pink bud was passed.

Egg Roses

Sepals glued to a pink bud with a hot gun

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

Leaves for roses will be cut from egg cells.

Egg Roses

In the second photo, I marked the middle of the bottom with a marker. From this middle to the corner of the cell, I drew a leaf for our rose.

Egg Roses

From one such cell, you can cut two round leaves with pointed ends …

Egg Roses

After slicing the leaves from the cells, as shown above, cut small scissors on the notch leaves …

Egg Roses

The green core showed the veins on the leaves.

Egg Roses

They painted over the leaves with a green permanent marker. And then with an awl, holes were made in the base of the leaves.

Egg Roses

To fix the leaves on the wire stem of the rose, I came up with the idea to use these tie clamps

Egg Roses

The photo shows how to fix such clamps on the wire-stem

Egg Roses

Now on the clamps themselves, mounted on a wire, we fix two ties in the form of a cross …

Egg Roses

That’s what we should get …

Egg Roses

Now, through the ends of these clamps, we tie our leaves through the holes pierced with an awl

Egg Roses

On the underside of the leaf, drip at the hole

Egg Roses

The first photo shows how the leaves of the rose are fixed on the clamps with hot glue after the glue has cooled down.

Egg Roses

After the leaves were fixed on the clamps with glue, we cut off the excess ends of such tie clamps with scissors. This rose color turned out in the evening light …

Egg Roses

So we made our rose using polystyrene egg packaging.

Egg Roses

Egg Roses

Thank you!

courtesy: stranamasterov