How to make original collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

The original collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics.
The bottom of the bag – a small purse. When the bag is not in use, it can be easily folded up and buttoned in the purse, so that it will not take up much space.
collapsible bag of beautiful fabricscollapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Part I.
Purse. What you need:
1 – One brief lightning.
2 – One long zipper.
3 – Pattern purse on the fabric and backing material.

Step 1: Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut, not forgetting about the seam allowances.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 2. Lay the fabric right side (on the right side of the picture is marked as RS) on the backing fabric, kill the pins on the sides. Where there should be an opening for a small padlock, sew along, as shown in the photos.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Here, in the photo, stitched with black thread – it is to appear. Make sure that your lines are the same, and at the end and the beginning.
Step 3. Carefully cut the two layers of fabric along the line (pictured purple).

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 4. Tuck the fabric on the right side inside.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 5. Sew the zipper to the hole.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 6. Now find the middle and sew.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 7. Next fold backing material on the side where the lock is sewn. It will be a small pocket of the purse. And sew (cm. In the photo, sewn with black thread for visibility).

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 8. Sew on the zipper. Put the zipper perpendicular to our wallet in the middle and make a few stitches. It turns out – Lightning sharply bent.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 9. Now sew the zipper sewn up the middle (marked with a needle). The zipper is easier to bend, it is necessary to make small incisions along the entire length.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

At the end of the same bending lightning, as in the beginning (step 8).

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 10. Now take the second part of the lightning and bending it as well (step 8). Sew to the end.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

All sewn?

Part II.
A bag. What you need:
1 – The main fabric.
2 – lining fabric.
Step 11. Cut out 2 long strips (it will handle bags). Fold along the edges and iron. Fold in half and then iron it.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Stitch on both sides. Pens ready.

Step 12. Place the handle on the fabric, as shown in the photo. So that the ends of the handles sticking up. In this position, the handle sew.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 13: Fold the fabric in half and sew side seam. Be sure to check that the knobs are the same from a bag. Pre measure purse circle to coincide with the circumference of the resulting bag.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 14: Remove the upper edge so that the edge of the pens were on the left side (WS – left side).

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 15. Now we need to sew the wallet to a bag. Everted sac. Fold the bag and to each other purse right sides. Once again, make sure that the handles are the same. It turns out that the lock remains in the right side. You can not see it. So do not sew it by accident.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Make small incisions along the bottom of the bag to the canvas tightly clung purse. Kill the pins.
Now sew all around, but one of the places where the dog remains padlock (only then do not forget to sew on this site).

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

And the bag looks almost complete.

Step 16. Now turn the bag and gently pull through the slot lock with a dog.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Step 17. Now again turn the bag inside out and sew the hole. Cut the unnecessary tail of the padlock. Now the bag is almost complete. Stitch along the edge of the purse on the outside for more finished appearance.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

All bags ready to set aside.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Part III. Lining.
1 – lining fabric, about the same as it took the main fabric.
Step 18. Sew the bag on the steps 13 – 15. There is much simpler. No need to sew any of locks. Just make sure that all seams match.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Part IV. Assembling bags.
Step 19. Turn the bag to the right side. Lining leaves the same on the left side.
Now tuck into the lining. Make sure that all joints are aligned. Top make a seam. Close to the edge.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

Now pros-trochite second line below the first, just 1.5 cm.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

That’s it! Your bag is finished. Fold it! Fasten. Compact. It can be worn products, throw into the main bag. And do not overbought plastic bags. Or it can be used as a summer bag. Yes, as you wish.

collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics collapsible bag of beautiful fabrics

courtesy: liveinternet