How to make bullion rose for kurti neck

There are probably as many ways to make a bullion rose as there are people making them. I would like to include my take on the classic spiral bullion. These instructions are for big chunky roses as shown on the kurti.

 bullion rose

Spiral Bullion Rose:
-work with three strands of floss and a # 7 milliners needle

-it is helpful to interface the area behind the embroidery

-use three colors of floss plus a green. Use a contrast for the center and two shades of pink or red (a light and a

-medium shade) for the spiral rose petals. Use the darker shade for the center fifteen wrap spiral bullions and

-the lighter shade for the outer twenty-two wrap spiral bullions.

-the spiral bullion is made in four sections (colors):

-center – one, five wrap bullion and two, ten wrap bullions

-inner petals – six, fifteen wrap spirals

-outer petals – eight, twenty-two wrap spirals

-leaf base – four, twenty-four wrap spirals

bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery bullion rose embroidery

bullion rose