How to make the tulips of spoons lamp

tulips of spoons lamp tulips of spoons lamp
An article about how to make the tulips of spoons with their hands.
 tulips of spoons lamp
To begin with, we need plastic, disposable spoon, 6 tablespoons 1 tulip.
 tulips of spoons lamp
Cut the handles of spoons, they no longer need us. Getting spoons glued between a first glue 3 tablespoons each other and even glue 3 above.
 tulips of spoons lamp
When glued all the buds they need to color, the color of your choice, can be painted with the spray, spray paint.
 tulips of spoons lamp
The buds need to make holes for the stem, for example, melted the.
 tulips of spoons lamp
As the stem using a plastic tube, which is glued to the bud.
 tulips of spoons lamp
Further, in each flower insert the LED, I used white LEDs, so as buds still painted. Connecting the LEDs through the resistors, otherwise, it will be heated.
 tulips of spoons lamp
When the LEDs are inserted, combine all the colors together, you can just cut a circle out of cardboard, make holes in it and insert the flowers.
 tulips of spoons lamp
Check, the light is good.
 tulips of spoons lamp
Next, find a suitable pot.
 tulips of spoons lamp
Set a bouquet in a pot and sprinkle with beautiful stones.
Tulips of spoons with his hands ready, we got a good lamp.
 tulips of spoons lamp
courtesy: liveinternet