Organizer from salty dough ingredients

Organizer from salty dough ingredients Organizer from salty dough ingredients

Organizer from salty dough ingredients

Hello my dear friends, I want to share with you my new crafts. This is an organizer for my daughter.


For its production, we need 3 jars of different sizes, cardboard, salty dough ingredients (flour, water, salt, vegetable oil, KROKHMAL, gouache, scissors.


To begin with banks and take them to obvidёm Cartan:


cut out departing from the base line of 1 cm.:


Then do salty dough. Take a bowl and connect 200g. salt and 200 grams. flour and mix adding 125ml. of water + 2st. tablespoons of vegetable oil and 50 g. Starch. Knead the dough, the dough should not stick to hands, if necessary, you can even mix with a little flour, the dough money had crumbled, it must be resilient:


Take a bit of dough and roll out:


then take a glass jar and zavarachivaem it in the dough, like so:


 the dough all three banks and cardboard size:


from the remaining dough lepim any patterns

9 11 12

when all the patterns are ready, you can put in the oven for baking:

When the dough has dried it can be painted in gouache:

14 15 16 17

You can leave the background white and can be painted

18 - Copy

when the paint work is finished, you can cover all the varnish:

18 salty dough

Here is a stand pencils and pens I got not judge strictly, I do not know how to draw. Thank you all for your attention.
