Phone case making
The first time I had a chance to work with silk ribbon Shibori and my delight there is no limit! The tape is very pleasant to the touch
For the manufacture of cover you will need:
– Shibori silk ribbon;
– the pressed nonwoven layer 4 and pre-painted with golden acrylic fabric;
– Natural suede for the “back” cover;
– lining fabric;
– Cabochon agate;
– flat beads of jade;
– Tinted freshwater pearls;
– Various crystals Rivoli;
– Different glass beads;
– beads of various colors, shapes and sizes, as well as glass beads;
– small crystals on the circuit;
– Transparent monofilament;
– Flat cord for brush;
– connecting rings and jewelry long pin;
– Clay Moment Crystal.
To begin with, I drew Non-woven pattern contour to cover, then artistically placed tape on it and fix it on the edge dressmaker pins. Usually, stones I glue to the base, but in this case since afraid that the stone will move down or skewed feed. Agate and then sheathed braided mosaic using chopped beads number 10 bronze, golden light number 10 and light green light № 15….next sewed tinted pearl river and rows of beads, rhinestones sewn on the circuit, putting them along the waves on tape .
Under the big crease ribbon sewed beads of jade beaded tape recorded nearby. Next braided crystal 10mm Rivoli.(Rivoli in detail how to braid, I told here )
To tailor the pins do not interfere in the process, I tack tape to interlining and cleaned pins.
Gradually add all of the major elements, sew along the edge of the ribbon rows of beads, masking them made “basting stitch” and gradually filled with beads and beaded edge of the cover, hiding interlining.
Suede cutout for the back cover. On the wrong side of the back cover on, and before the two sides sticking fleece linings. Fold cover parts together, sew the edge of the “Russian way”, during plating, the bottom of the cover is sewn connecting ring, which is then attached to the braided bead Baroque and brush from a flat cable (Craft detailed weaving beads Baroque and brush clearance, can be found here
Ready, turns flat, but due to the rough natural suede on the back of a couple of days takes the form of phone.