Revival of Carlina flower


Someone calls them thistles …. more “bread of the Alpine”,
grow wild in our mountains.
Now it is forbidden to pick them up. These have at least 15 years. The weather and dust them had now deprived of beautiful corolla, I was going to throw them when I got the idea to give them a new flourishing ……. here’s how I did


the first thing I removed all the petals and prickly leaves, I gently brushed the center of the flower and I blew the dust off the phone



I washed and dried a few leaves of corn cobsI clipped from each of many small petals



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I also prepared a bowl of cleaned and dried pumpkin seeds,

are of a particular type, a bit ‘smaller and have a pinstripe darker on the edge


last ingredient, invisible but necessary …a bowl of patience


with hot glue I glued a round of pumpkin seeds all around the heart of the flower

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I also glued a second round

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in the end I also glued a round of corn petals


and here are my new carline

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I combined with ferns made with dried foliage of palms

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I created my composition using this as a container holder porcelain vase and pure gold (one of the many vintage objects from the house of my mom when I can not separate myself)