A quick way to trim ribbons

A quick way to trim ribbons A quick way to trim ribbons

A quick way to trim ribbons


a man who loves a quick result! So for me, a huge number of blank tortsovok (and on the leaves of a tree, I have about 200 pieces) test. Gluing ready – a real pleasure. So my inquisitive mind began to work in the direction of simplification of the operatsii.Skazhu immediately that I had assembled ribbons threaded rejection caused just as the tape spinning and did not want to develop. Maybe someone from the masters of the country and have found this method, but I have not got it. If, immediately apologize to the sponsors, but really I myself came to this method! In general, I take the ribbon from both strontium singe a candle (do not like being under the fingers yarn fringe). At first she did it,


I begin in the toes with both hands to gather in an accordion (pictured with one hand, since the second holds the camera at this time). Fold about 5-7 mm.


Gather all, and …
until today I have this harmonica over the edge grasped thread 4-5 stitches. It turned out rather quickly, but tired of the constant action and thread – Bind up the bundle, a new paste …


And today, it dawned on me that there is a miracle of technology – a stapler!
Two clicks (on either side of the fortress, as if a lot of folds not always punches through) and voila …


It is currently pretty tortsovochka. On its production it took less than 20 seconds!


Just a little fluff in the fingers and can be glued


but I like a lot at once to prepare and then glue


Apple Topiary
Apples purchased, foliage trimming of satin ribbons, ladder of Barbecue


Courtesy: liveinternet.ru