Very cute doll

Very cute doll

doll doll doll

If you want, I’ll teach you to master the same?
Once in Japanese or Chinese handmade magazine I saw tiny pupae from conventional laces. It wanted to repeat. That’s what I did. Now I will try to tell you how I made them.

1. From the nylon cut a circle with a diameter of 5 cm.


From syntepon cut out a circle of the same diameter.


Now we sheathe our circles “over the edge” and tightens into a ball. We fill this ball syntepon pieces

doll doll

Sew on to our ball beady eyes.

Cut the pieces of string into pieces about 1 cm – are the future of our doll hairs. Cooking glue (I have it was a moment-crystal) and tweezers.


Neatly glue hairs to the head.


That’s what we should be able to:

doll doll

Now for the legs and arms. Cut the two pieces of cord 18 and 13 cm.


consolidating our feet on the middle, horizontal-cord handles.


Cut the cord at the stripes on the dress 14 cm. And consolidates them into a thread in the chain.


Fix the “dress” around the body.

Needles gently fluffs dress, comb and leveling, cutting unnecessary.


Of a piece of ribbon or lace collar doll making.


Fold the arms and legs and anchoring loop color thread.


Sew on the head to the torso. The hairs anchoring sh nur Chek for which you can hang our doll.


the hat is all. Embroider the mouth, cheeks draw, decorate and dress hairs. Our doll ready.


Let it fulfill your dreams come true !!!!
