Bracelet with embassy

Bracelet with embassy Bracelet with embassy

Bracelet with embassy

For my children are (re) emerged a few bracelets. The bracelets are made ​​of wrapped package bands and contain short messages or patterns. (A year ago they were knotted bracelets).

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For those who want to try it sometimes, here are the instructions:



  • Plaid paper
  • pencil
  • plastic packing tape
  • embroidery thread (no. 5)
  • scissors
  • tape
  • embroidery needle


1. Text or patterns on graph paper design.. 2 Prepare “soul”: packing tape to the desired length (plus about 2 cm drop) crop. Embroidery thread, which is to give the text / pattern cut, so that it is on both sides of the package band about 7 cm out. So many pieces of yarn cut, to the width of the package band is covered. (The number of pieces of yarn must match the count pattern Example: 7 = 7 pieces of yarn checks in height). 3 Pieces of yarn secure it with the adhesive tape on the package band. Also fasten the top of the winding yarn on tape and tightly wrap around the “soul”.. 4 Text / incorporate patterns. For each count pattern according to load the appropriate yarn upwards.. 5 Yarn on the back among the coils move in.. 6 Protruding ends of the package band cut back.

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