How to copy picture from the real photo

decorate a picture. decorate a picture.

How to copy picture from the real photo

Often, cards, scrapbook album, decoupage need a special picture. Often the judges we find in the magazine. How do I copy the picture on plain paper? It is not difficult)


You will need:

– Clipping from the magazine,

– Petrol lighter or nail polish remover,

– Scotch,

– Stack (pencil, pen or brush on the writing ball).

 It is possible to adhere to the sheet to “stock up” to attach a strip of fabric, then the liquid in the case rastechёtsya even less. And work in any case, do not spend on the table without a substrate, for example, made of polyethylene – and gasoline and nail polish remover corrode the surface veneer, polishing furniture.

104701962_13090429 draw (1)

Fix the face image to a sheet of paper. We pour the liquid and wait until it is absorbed, and then stack diagonally “stroking” the entire area of ​​the image by pressing to drawing well-etched.

draw (2) draw (3) draw (4)

Raise the image and check everything is transferred, go over the picture again strokes. And you can pour a little liquid before re pushing through.

draw (5) copydecorate a picture.

The original method of transfer images from glossy magazine pages on a sheet of paper or cardboard. If you wish, using this technique, you can make homemade cards, a kind of perverse hand-made …

Qualitatively transfer images and logos professionals of this case. Look at the page of what accessories and clothing for you can decorate a picture.
