Floral tapestry of corrugated paper

Floral tapestry of corrugated paper

Tapestry as an element of the decor itself is very stylish solution. In the technique Tauran – in Buddhist architecture is the gate with carved reliefs – floral tapestry of corrugated paper will look very bright. There are many ways of using this technique – it is possible to do tapestry, garlands, canvas! Thus the creation of any zone can be issued. Today we will make floral tapestry of corrugated paper as an element of decor for the wedding.


What you will need:

  • Wooden bolt (to be found in any hardware store and ask to cut it to the size you want – here we use 2 cm by 61 cm)
  • Corrugated paper of different colors
  • Threads
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Punch
  • Handle
  • Wooden glazing beads (optional)

Step 1: To speed up the process of cutting the petals bend corrugated paper along the length of a period of about 5 cm wide in 6 layers. Secure the edges of clothespins.
Step 2: Use the pattern to draw the contours of the petals along the strip of paper. Selling holes in each stack of petals with a punch.
Step 3: Cut out the petals. Do the same with every color of the paper.


Step 4: To fluff up the petals, gently pull the edges of the paper, creating a kind of ripple. You can stretch several petals, to save time.
Step 5: Tight obtyanite bolt threads. Tie long strands around the bolt every 5 cm. On them you will be stringing the petals.
Step 6: petals are strung on a thread and tighten the knot at the end of each tape obtained. Alternate the colors of the petals, to get the palette.