How to make girl with a sunflower

girl with a sunflower

How to make girl with a sunflower

girl with a sunflower

A little turnaround, show ourselves …

girl with a sunflower

… show nice roundness

girl with a sunflower

girl with a sunflower

girl with a sunflower

For the basis took a light bulb, on the base of papier-mache formed a head.

girl with a sunflower

I rolled the polymer clay into a layer, covered them with the place where my face would be.

girl with a sunflower

Superfluous cropped. The neck did not close, this place will close the hairs.

girl with a sunflower

Handles-legs, too, first I sculpt from papier-mache, and then, when they dry, I cover the top with a layer of Glinka.
From the blue clay layer, I make the bodice of the dress. White blotch on the bottom – it will be panties)

girl with a sunflower

Circles are cut with figured scissors and glued to the edge of the skirt.

girl with a sunflower

Pupa can stand alone, but I still made it a stand, for more stability.

girl with a sunflower

That’s the size of a doll, it fits in the palm of your hand

girl with a sunflower

In his hands – sunflowers

girl with a sunflower

On the head is Panama. With Panama came out a little embarrassment;) I wanted to make it removable. But she put it on the head of the doll before it dried well. As a result, Panama stuck to the hairs

girl with a sunflower

The apron is patched. It’s not from poverty. but from thrift. In the pocket of a ladybug, you can get it out of your pocket

girl with a sunflower

Well, and a small photoshoot
At the same time, I boast of flower pots, which I painted myself.

girl with a sunflower

With ladybirds – my favorite pot

girl with a sunflower

A little play with the backgrounds

girl with a sunflower

In the village of my grandmother

girl with a sunflower

And here. probably, at the road of a pumpkin sells

girl with a sunflower

Berry expanse!

girl with a sunflower

girl with a sunflower

Well, that’s all for today! Thanks to all!

courtesy: stranamasterov