How to make miniature cups and saucers pendant

How to make miniature cups and saucers pendant How to make miniature cups and saucers pendant

How to make miniature cups and saucers pendant

The size of the cup – about 5×9 mm, the author’s signature on the stems – like cups and saucers

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How to make cups


Baked in the bead course, so bead must be heat-resistant (glass or wood without lacquer). Cleared hot. If you just can not be removed – pry up the edge of a needle and let air under the plastic, then remove. If the plastic has cooled down, and sat tight, heat it under hot running water.

How to make platter


The basis used light bulbs with a small cap. In general, it does not matter with which the cap, the main thing that was a smooth glass surface. Anticipating the next question I would say that is baked directly on light bulbs

