To work you will need:
-working surface – glass
-sharp blade
-polymer clay
-zhidkaya plastic
-lak for polymer clay
-metal fittings
A very important step in working with plastics – is preparing itself to its misuse modeling. It is necessary to carefully knead it, this is best done with gloves to plastic retained its original clean appearance. Remember that stretching should be a different color change gloves or wash them well. From the prepared mashed plastic forms a small sausage, cut it into pieces.
To blind rosettes, take a small piece of plastic, mash it the edge, to do as a small cake. The edges should not be too thick, but very thin, and not worth doing.
Carefully turn off the cake in the roll – this is the middle of the roses.
We try harder not to compress the fingers, so as not to crush the resulting petal.
Again mash a piece of plastic, but do not twist, simply wrap the middle of a future roses.
Just do two more petals.
Using your fingers squeeze the tail rose petals to give a more natural look.
Carefully cut away the unnecessary tail.
For leaf mash pale green plate. If you do not have this color, it can be done with a mixture of white, dark green and yellow plastic in a proportion of 10: 2: 1. Likewise with nezhno- pink: white plastic plus red
Apply the next flower the small veins to give a more natural look.
Compress the base.
Cut off excess tail slightly sharpen the upper part of the tab.
For the earrings I made 14 roses: 6 white and pink 8, plus 10 leaves.
Make the base: form a small ball, flattening it. Apply the liquid plastic, which will play the role of an adhesive material, set leaves little pritaplivaya them.
Similarly, and laid roses: first, in a circle, then center. Make sure that the roses sat tightly together. Here, the most difficult stage: you must carefully to avoid damaging the petals, put them nicely, and most importantly, safely.
Similarly, we collect, and the second bunch. Lubricates metal workpiece liquid plastic, fasten bunches.
We send in the oven for 30 minutes at 130C. It’s for my plastics. If you are using another, read the instructions.
After Rose parched, cooled, cover them with a protective lacquer for polymer clay.
When the paint dries, earrings ready!
According to this principle, you can make a variety of jewelry:
It can be mounted on the rim, turn takiya flower meadow:
Or do not only Roses:
Generally, the human imagination is inexhaustible, you can think of anything!))
I hope my master class useful to you. Success!