Learn how to make a rose.
For the production of roses we’ll need: corrugated paper, PVA glue, glue stick, wire, acrylic paint and a stencil for the petals, cut out of cardboard.
Grease pencil paper glue.
Fold the paper in the size of the stencil.
Cut the petals.
Form a petal.
Use scissors to round the edge.
Ready petals.
Decorate the edge lepestkov. Mozhno used: acrylic paint, glitter, gel glitter paper.
As a base can be used on a thin rod or a thin brush handle.
With the help of glue PVA glue petals start.
rose size depends on the number of petals.
Now twist the wire in such a way.
We put her in a rose.
Is fixed on the main stem.
Finally, fasten the bud.
Here’s what happened.
Arbitrarily cut out the leaves.
Smeared with glue and impose wire.
Close the dry leaf.
Here’s what happened.
Drum wire sliced paper smeared with glue.
Fasten leaves to the main stem.
In order for our rose shine, we cover her nail volos.Lak can be with sequins.
courtesy: liveinternet.ru