How to make handmade juicer from plastic bottle

How to make handmade juicer from plastic bottle

Learn the easy steps to make handmade juicer 

Take a glance what is around us. Sometimes, out of the ordinary things that we do not notice, you can make yourself useful in everyday life things. So how do you make a juicer? Very simple. Take the 5-liter plastic bottle with water. We need some such as shown in Figures (c strongly concave bottomed).

handmade juicer

Exactly cut the bottom. Incisions are made at a height of 10-15 cm from the bottom edge of the bottle.

juicer (1)

apple (7)

Actually citrus ready. In the drawings you have already, and without comment, guess how to apply our simple device. This juicer can always be close at hand and it is just 1 minute.

juicer (2) juicer (3)
