How to make piano flower vase from newspaper tubes

How to make piano flower vase from newspaper tubes

newspaper tubes (9) newspaper tubes (10)

I found a rectangular pot, cut out of cardboard bottoms 2 sized pot. Paste in the middle of the newspaper tube and left to dry.

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after drying start to braid your pot. TK pot I had no deep I slowly raised it with braided up

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doplelis to the desired height, and I bent inside between the ends of braided

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two toothpicks newspaper and paste them between braided at the edges, and they pasted a strip of cardboard
is the future keyboard

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side view . PVA at the same time missed the entire structure, it seemed to me that it will be stronger

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until the entire structure was drying I twisted whorls are here and a few tubes of white paper for keys

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obkleila edge of the keyboard tubes

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there you are

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taped curlicues and keys to not bother with the small keys decided to simplify your task and just clippers poodkusyvala them out of toothpicks

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as well as for another taped tube laterally

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He made the cover. pasted on cardboard tubes as well as two shorter middle for support under the notes

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well dried

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painted with acrylic paints, again dried, lacquered (and inside too, so that the paper does not soak when I watered my flowers)

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goshochek planted in a mini cyclamen, mini notes printed out with the smallest size

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but this I planted cacti and notes made of 4 ex-sheets glue them with glue

I hope everything is clear to everyone !!! I tried to describe in detail, but if something is not clear feel free to ask
