Sew envelope to be discharged for a baby

envelope to be discharged for a baby envelope to be discharged for a baby
Nowadays, in stores a wide range of products for newborns discharged, but despite this the most popular envelopes. Due to its simplicity, envelopes are very convenient to use, offer your baby the comfort and the necessary heat in which he needs.
We will sew the universal envelope, which is perfect for both boys and for girls.
envelope to be discharged for a baby
So we need;
2 100×100 cut tissue (in my case it would be – very beautiful turquoise Capito in combination with white double-sided fleece, which will add softness and comfort of our products);
Universal filler “Sintepon sewing» 200g / m2 (thickness of the web layer approximately 1.5-2 cm);
zipper 90 cm;
4 buttons;
pins, threads, needles, sewing machine, a long line.
envelope to be discharged for a baby
Make a pattern shape as pictures of 2 cuts the fabric and filler (remember seam allowances).
envelope to be discharged for a baby
First will crosslink fleece layer and the filler.
Sew fleece with stitched by the filler and the longitudinal seams to sintepon was fixed inside and not break. It should look like the picture.
envelope to be discharged for a baby
The next step – sew a zipper in the side of our inner envelope.
R.S .: Better sew the zipper on the first layer of fleece, and then to the front of the envelope … so convenient.
envelope to be discharged for a baby
envelope to be discharged for a baby
Next, sew 2 sides, leaving a portion where the limb of the hole about 15-20 cm, so that we can turn our product.
On our side of the hood is sewn eyelets under 2 buttons (I used a narrow satin ribbon, but this is at the discretion of the needlewomen, you can do without the loop, just to break the loop).
envelope to be discharged for a baby
The hole through which the twisting our envelope, I sewed by hand a hidden seam.
envelope to be discharged for a baby
So we have to be very tepid, beautiful and very comfortable for the baby envelope.
Stayed the last shtr the shki.
I prepared 2 kinds of accessories as well as our future mom does not know the child’s sex, and, in my opinion, this is a great solution in this case!
envelope to be discharged for a baby
Butterfly and bow attached to the pin. It turns out the envelope for a boy or girl
envelope to be discharged for a baby envelope to be discharged for a baby
courtesy: livemaster