The creation of gift pillows

The creation of gift pillows The creation of gift pillows

The creation of gift pillows

One day, inspired by delicious pillows on one accidentally visiting the site caught fire me sew my pillow And not just because, as a gift. Purchase of tape width of 12 mm and 6 could get to work


So, we proceed.

Inside pillowcases had tucked the magazine in order to avoid being sew the two sides together)

Method scientific showed that begin to embroider “roses” from the edges better, and move to the center.

general principle:


Consider it a little more.

Ribbon sewn over the very edge.


On the outer circles is best to lay the small folds that turned out fluffy rosette and the following layers can not be trapped.


Toward the middle of the more difficult to embroider, so when there is approximately 2 cm in diameter –

we turn loose the roll, lightly fasten its thread and sew neatly in the center of roses

5 6

On average size rosettes took about 3 hours.

When all the large flowers have been completed, it remains to find a place for small florets


And after 20 hours from the beginning of the work is what happened:

8 (1) 8

The chief leader and the ideological mentor of course always there. Directs and guides


Actually this could be and to stay, but it was not for me))

Beginning “watering chocolate cake” – the most masochistic way to sew the ribbon on the edge separating the rosettes from the outside world))

the original plan – begin to fill the inner space, “chocolate”

after two hours of work … I understand that the pace for the rest of the pillow I do not have enough tapes) =

it had everything to dissolve and change all on the go, as I usually do)


After methodically sewing another series of six rows of chocolate and butter cream,

the remaining 8 meter tape sewn evenly across the inner surface of the free pillows

View the finished cushion from the inside)


Ready-to-eat cake

