Caskets making
I would like to offer you a craft class on making caskets for Mom or Grandma for the holidays.
For the work we need:
– A round box out of the cheese;
– Corrugated cardboard red;
– wrapping paper;
– Colored satin narrow ribbon of three colors (pink, white, green);
– Small beads;
– A small piece of cardboard;
– PVA glue;
– A pair of scissors;
– Line;
– Simple pencil.
Getting Started:
1. From wrapping paper cut out two circles the size of the diameter of the box.
2. One circle is pasted on top of the box and the other inside.
3. Corrugated cardboard cut two strips of width 1 and 5 cm and 1 cm.
4. Boca box pasted strip of corrugated cardboard (box bottom – 1, 5 cm, cover – 1 cm).
Now we will do our flower boxes.
5. From the cardboard cut a small circle.
6. Cut the satin ribbon 7 cm long.
7. Take the pieces of green tape, doing loops and glue a circle three “leaf.”
8. This is the way we do flower itself: two – three rows of pink “petals”, last row – white.
9. The core of the flower make of beads.
10. It remains to glue the flower and gift for our moms ready. In this box will be convenient mom to keep their jewelry.