Golden Dragonfly

Golden Dragonfly Golden Dragonfly

How to Make Golden Dragonfly

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To cut, select the thick paper. The master class is used black paper pastel density of 150 g / m2. Template (skin) print on office paper, weighing not more than 80 g / m2.

Stapler to attach the template to cut the paper. Cut with scissors along the contour.


With scissors or a line round the edge of the grass. Give a spiral shape grass base, tightening the strip foundation with scissors or a ruler.


Fold a few blades of grass to give a more natural look.
Attach stapler dragonfly pattern to cut paper.


Cut the inner pattern. Cut along the contour.


Along fold lines indicated in the diagram do ritsovku – a shallow cut the top layer of paper. Make it to the front of the craft. Bend down the line ritsovki.


Turn the dragonfly and the wrong side of the lines do ritsovku wings. Fold the wings up the score line.


Should get such a volume of the body of a dragonfly. Bend the legs.


Toned edges of the wings dragonfly gold acrylic paint “Metallic”. You can draw a body on a simple pattern. Apply a drop of glue on the bottom of the legs.


Using tweezers feet glued to the highest blade of grass. The rest of the dragonflies do not touch the grass.

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