Recently I like the mirrors framed in the form of the sun, infinitely beautiful, carved out of wood and covered with gold. But, alas, the prices of these wonderful things are high, very high. Decided – let it be not so much, but it’s free.
Given: wishbone eateries (found in the bins kitchen by accident), served a powder box, carton size 10×10 cm.
Materials for: super-glue (does not stick in the first 3 seconds, and remains flexible for many minutes, and transparent), an acrylic primer and paint acrylic golden “Olympic Gold”. Brushes in an amount of 3 pieces ( alot easier for harder to paint – soft thin and wide for the final artificial). And, of course, my friend cutter!
Soil gold paint base, which will all take place (took an unspecified brush, but naturally fit any wider. It’s just my “primer brush”).
Next, I tried to paint gold paint on the ground. It did not happen to block the green base. Gruntuem!
We are trying to paint. Basis blocked.
Next: the necessary parts of the wishbone to work.
Is divided into 4 sectors base.
Then “try on” rays. Some have not dyed.
After fitting begins the most pleasant: pasting primed and dyed at a time wishbone. Forward!
We turned a bit rare rays. I add a little bit more, that it has turned around the sun.
Well, the result I was quite happy. I am glued to the rear side of the base hardware (I have this hardware from the old photo frame)
The final stage
On the left side of the photo the difference is clearly visible, which is dyed at once, and the right to the final.
Well, here is the visible result. And most importantly, that the things used in the work, avoided her sad fate of being thrown in the trash. They now glisten and shine a little, but it’s the indoor mirror.
That’s all. Maybe someone will come in handy my idea. I am waiting for your comments and I hope you like my work.