How to make felt – fish clock

How to make felt - fish clock How to make felt - fish clock

Hours of felt – fish in ethnic style (participating in the contest on another site).

 How to make felt - fish clock

Not difficult!


The time spent not more days in the presence of the idea, plan of action and a sewing machine, but it took me two days, because I did the first time, would now be done in a day, or even half a day!

Money spent, I took everything that was at home, the clock mechanism was also available, and it is not expensive.


What you need:

  • Desire (in the shops are not yet on sale, looking for a someone said that you are not working with felt you have the desire then you are working with any material :).?!;
  • Felt different colors, the more the better (preferably thick, for example, 1 mm, but not required);
  • The adhesive is suitable for gluing sequins and rhinestones with felt (ie, non-marking, non-sag);
  • Sequins, rhinestones (diamonds and gold, at whom that lying around the house 🙂 and iron fittings for jewelry (sold in stores for needlework), can be beads or beads of your choice;
  • Tracing paper, copy paper and a crayon for patterns;
  • Sharp scissors (preferably small or large);
  • Glue gun;
  • Clockwork arrow;
  • Eye Toy (sold in stores for needlework);
  • Thick wire (preferably copper in overcast but not required);
  • Cutting pliers – combination pliers or a wire cutter;
  • Sewing machine (but not necessarily, you can embroider hands longer, but cooler);
  • Threads for sewing (or embroidery floss for manual) different colors;
  • Fibreboard (but not necessarily, you can buy a ready-made platform for hours);
  • Jig saw or jigsaw (but not necessarily, as it is said, you can buy a ready-made platform for hours).

Let’s start:

Draw a sketch of the fish. Inspiration and drawings can be found on the Internet. Drawings myriad fish. I drew a sketch by hand, podsmotrev online. But it is just “google”, select any image on the Internet, make a tracing on the screen and felt-tip pen to circle, then cut out the tracing paper and make a pattern. Tip: harder work with complex forms, like me, it’s easier with streamlined. You can sketch and paint markers to put the pieces of felt, to understand what you want to do. All in your hands. I do not spread all the pictures, so as not to tire out, and not to confuse, but many dabbed and change the place in general was looking for.

 How to make felt - fish clock

If you have the skills and tools can cut jigsaw MDF platform for hours, and I did. But not necessarily to cut themselves a platform to watch, you can buy in stores for creativity. Another method is to make a platform for hours of cardboard. Just cut a few copies and glued together, the platform has been stronger.

I made a big hole in the platform and 2 rings plus cover-dial, to more “drown” the clockwork in the product. But this is not mandatory. You can buy or cut flat bed without increasing the volume.

Tip for those who decide in the same way as I have to “drown” the clockwork in the product. To determine the radius of the circle in which sits clockwork clockwork paint over the perimeter, get the middle, and with the help of a compass, draw a circle. Next to photos you can see how I did it on the sketch. Two rings, of course, have an inner diameter equal to the diameter, we just found a wider appearance a couple of centimeters. The dial is the outer diameter of the rings.

 How to make felt - fish clock

Collect platform for hours. Sadim adhesive is only two rings, the dial is not sticking. I glue the same as for the felt and rhinestones.

Try on clockwork.

 How to make felt - fish clock

 How to make felt - fish clock

Then do the pattern of violet felt for the bottom fish, and of felt bright orange color to the dial. Just putting a platform for hours and outline the fine and / or a pencil. Color felt is not important, take your pick, I do the colors of example only.

 How to make felt - fish clock

Stick the glue gun orange felt on the dial, this pruning pattern edge.

 How to make felt - fish clock

Wrong Side also plastered. It will not be seen, but the “protocol” to be 🙂

How to make felt - fish clock

How to make felt - fish clock

Fish carve out underside of felt neon colors and is set aside.Not cutting the contour of the fish purple felt, sew him not machine different lines (or sew by hand) ornaments. Note: all lines need to fix the knot on the inside of that line is not “crawled”.

How to make felt - fish clock

Cut ornamental convenient of tracing paper and on it make a pattern. You can put pieces of felt, and see whether you like or not ornamental.

 How to make felt - fish clock

 How to make felt - fish clock

When finished sewing pattern, glue rhinestones and sequins, or you can sew on beads, etc. After that, cut out “with an allowance of” fish from the purple felt and glue gun to glue it to the platform.

 How to make felt - fish clock

It is even not treated with the wrong side of the fish.

 How to make felt - fish clock

It is necessary to refine it with felt neon colors.

 How to make felt - fish clock

Already we are approaching the result.

 How to make felt - fish clock

Now glue gun sticking face on the basis of fish, and is already on the dial iron accessories, rhinestones and sequins. Accessories, rhinestones and sequins sticking ordinary glue, not flowing, does not leave traces on the felt. Make a test on a piece of felt.

 How to make felt - fish clock

The clockwork is provided a loop for hanging on the wall, but I decided to make a stand still and suddenly you do not want to drive a nail into the wall and decide to put on the shelf. Just take a wire and Gnehm hands, cut wire cutters, that a simple pedestal. Tip: if there is sleeping, eating, watching football or just run through a man, tell him that he urgently needed a man, and he will not give up, bend the same wire, probably with the exception of man, who suddenly woke up, distracted by eating or football, so he bent wire to fish from felt 🙂

 How to make felt - fish clock

Sticking glazik glue gun to fish (foot glazik pre-cut, can be hot in the fire knife, can be a tool, if applicable), fasten clockwork and just insert the stand in the rear wall clock. The stand does not even need nothing more than to fix, everything is held firmly enough, because the wire is thick enough and stiff.

 How to make felt - fish clock

And now we smile, nice to enjoy his work, because we did / do you own hands! Oh, how photo can convey richness of colors and their contrast and shine rhinestones and metal!

 How to make felt - fish clock

Now this beauty settled on my shelf! Good luck and inspiration!