How to make an organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

How to make organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle
 organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle
this orange plastic bottle inspired me
and so I tried again
 organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

as for the other, I marked the cutting tracks with a black marker
 organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

after cutting (with the electrician scissors)
I pitted all over the board and finished with a border of waxed twine crocheted
 organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

I decorated the carrier pegs with a small pinwheel
also built with the leftovers of the bottle and a button
(Just a small picture)
 organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle
I knotted a button on the neck flap
 organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

once you hooked on the edge of the slot created flap
It makes it possible to hook the door pegs to the balcony railing
 organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle

We just have to fill it with pegs
 organizer for cloth clip from plastic bottle
I am looking good I could make a swirl of ‘another color
soon as I finish the shower gel remedy
courtesy: stelledilatta