Tips for painting stones

Tips for painting stones Easy Craft Ideas Tips for painting stones Easy Craft Ideas

Tips for painting stones

Many already passionate about this activity! Painting on rocks … it may seem a little strange when you first hear, but when you see the beauty that you can do with them conquer you completely. The stones are a natural canvas on which we can create an infinite number of things. You can imagine some?


Games, IDs, frames, home accessories and garden … the list can be as large as ideas you have. And one of the best things is that you can get them anywhere!

After a photo gallery that I shared with you on social networks, and all the questions they asked about it, I thought I’d make a post with a series of basic tips to encourage this task. And here we are! I’ll tell you how to prepare, what is needed and some tips I’m sure they will serve. Then they will have me if they liked and served information:)


The stones give us the opportunity to make a variety of crafts. And when I say “many” really it is! I think your imagination is the limit. And the beauty of this activity is that it can also involve the whole family. Young and old can have fun creating and doing crafts with stones.


As I said before, we can get them everywhere, even in craft supply stores. But if we look at nature, it never hurts to remind them to respect the rules of where to go to find them. As you know, there are many parks and protected natural areas and take things from them is prohibited. Therefore, we have always not violate rules and respect the environment. Also, if we are to find stones in rivers, in care have no impact on the flora and fauna.

¿ What can we do with them ? I will only mention them some of the many ideas … Bookmarks to the garden, decorative frames, games, fridge magnets, paperweights, decorated with messages, ideas to decorate the whole house …. and much more! And new ideas they have occurred? Sure!


When we have our idea, we can find the stones. Not all ideas need the same type of stones. That is why, it is best to think first and then throw our idea to look for our stuff to work.

We choose them carefully (if we do in nature) or buying a bag of them in stores. In order to start working with them, we must prepare . This implies, washing and drying. You may need to remove remnants of other materials of them, such as sand or other stains. And for that we can use warm water and soap, a toothbrush and to fine sandpaper if necessary. But never forget that before painting them, must be completely clean and dry.

 We started designing on them ? Sure, and for this there are tips to follow. Before starting to paint directly we can do some things to avoid mistakes and that our design is as perfect as possible. Especially when we’ve only got one stone for our … avoid it wrong it is very important. And for this work with a design to transfer it is a good idea. It may be on tracing paper or simply make a design in hand with pen on the stone. The important thing is to have a base that can be corrected before starting to paint. We can also avail ourselves of chalk, thin markers and pencils to sewing.


When the design is ready … to paint ! We have to be patient and take the time necessary to shape our design. The small details take time and if we hurry we can ruin it. If we are to work with a base color, it’s good to at least two layers before drawing decoration. And if you hurry to finish, and other crafts, they can use a hair dryer to go drying paint or markers. But to finish, let dry thoroughly.


With a finished design is very important to protect it , and to do so are ideal sealants and glues for decoupage (Mod Podge). We can give one or two coats of finish and protect our design. Remember that in the Mod Podge are a variety of types, some special outdoor, which can help to give a perfect finish.


And with all these tips, we can now put together a list of basic materials and ideal for working with stones. Look pencil and paper!

Which painting : paintings of all kinds. Acrylic, water, exterior paints … We can use all depend on what we are going to paint and where we will place our stones. If they are, for example, garden markers, it is good to work with resistant paints. This is where we use the leftover paint that stayed home last time we painted it! And always bear in mind that according to the types of paint to use, the precautions to be taken regarding stains on clothing, hands, etc. We can also use bookmarks. And they will find a great variety. The Sharpie type are ideal and those of base oil (for painting ceramics) are best.


Brushes : have a good variety of them, and remember also see how to clean the finish! Another thing is that we can use sponge brushes.

Sealant or protector : and as I said before, you have a sealant to make this our last and not spoil easily. They can get sealants and adhesives to spray.

Taking these basic you can already start working! And depending on your project you may need other things like glue, magnets or napkin decoupage papers, etc.

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I hope these tips are helpful and if you have more tips, they can send and add it to this post. All his advice is open! Nice day!



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