Abstract Embroidery Pillow

Abstract Embroidery Pillow Abstract Embroidery Pillow

Abstract Embroidery Pillow

This cushion is made ​​of a lot of pieces of cloth which I totally without reason amassed me. You know, one of those maniacal savings to justify a questionable “Could be good to have” and then you sit there a few years later with three ica bags filled with rubbish and wondering what the hell happened. To get a reason to use tygskräpet I decided to make a pillow. I cut strips about 1 cm wide, of the fabric. As a base I used jute.

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I drew the first strip by sewing a few stitches at one end.


Twisted fabric strip …


… And began to sew with big stitches in a pattern freehand.


Does it show what I mean?


It is pretty fun, but takes quite a long time. Imagine that you can cut fabric strips a little wider to get it to go faster.

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Seventy-Eleven years and a minor psychological meltdown later you have something that looks like this:

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Jute fabric have a tendency to bunch and SNEA to itself, but it readily rectified by moistening the design and then squeeze the iron (with towel on top).

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To charter the design further, I emphasized even on the little Flizelin on the back.

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The rest of the cushion sewn in a wool fabric left over from a jacket.

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Courtesy: 30kvadrat.blogspot.in