How to make braided chain pigtail hairstyle

braided chain pigtail hairstyle braided chain pigtail hairstyle

How to make braided chain pigtail hairstyle

Hello dear mistress! now u made for Tatiana lapusik, as well as for all those interested in Chain. Authorship is not mine! u all I am looking to YouTube.

chain pigtail hairstyle (1)The frontal area of ​​the person picking up a piece of hair, which we divide into 5 strands. Central strand make thicker chain pigtail hairstyle (2)I sharpen your attention to the fact that the average strand will always take the middle !!! rightmost strand and plants under its average chain pigtail hairstyle (3)take the leftmost strand, we start it at the middle and are crossed from the right chain pigtail hairstyle (4)take the left to the right strand, we start it at the far right, and we place over the middle strand chain pigtail hairstyle (5)left left strand factory under the extreme left, and superimposed over the middle strand, making the crossing with the previous one. chain pigtail hairstyle (6)top right strand superimposed over the bottom right and the plant under the average strand chain pigtail hairstyle (7)top left strand is superimposed over the lower left and the plant under average, crossing over from the previous chain pigtail hairstyle (8)Tighten all locks and get the first link chain pigtail hairstyle (9)upper right lock placed under the bottom right and top middle chain pigtail hairstyle (10)upper left placed under the bottom left and top middle, crossing over from the previous chain pigtail hairstyle (11)alternate item 7.8 and 10.11 chain pigtail hairstyle (12)Now try all over again, picking up the strands of loose hair on the left and the right and weaving them into a braid chain pigtail hairstyle (13)get here is weaving chain pigtail hairstyle (14)you can stay on this option chain pigtail hairstyle (15)and when you have mastered completely weaving, you can do so. I got it to 5 times chain pigtail hairstyle (16)
