How to make elegant photo frames

How to make elegant photo frames

A photo frames is a decorative edging for a picture, such as a painting or photograph, intended to enhance it, make it easier to display or protect it.

So here is another simple yet elegant photo frame. I have also posted the materials required and procedure wink emoticon this my first try with kundas !!

Courtesy: Krazzy Kraft’s

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Materials required – shilpkar,fevicol,acrylic colors,

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Take a MDF board

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Take dentaplast, fevicol and mix it well

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No particular ratio is there, but mix them till u get desired consistency for the texture

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Apply that mixture on board and tap it with fingers

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Take shilpkar and make the desired design as shown

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Apply black acrylic color

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Before the green color dries, take very small amount of chrome yellow and apply on green color . u ll get a light green color effect as shown

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Then apply dark green color.

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Then apply gold color on the shilpkar part and then stick kundas .. That’s it photo frame is ready.. For glossy finish apply varnish coat

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This is the colourful outcome

photo frames