How to make a handmade flower vase- Simple Craft Ideas

flower vase flower vase

How to make handmade flower vase

This handmade flower vase decoration is very easy to do. you can take a short period of time to do it.  this page described with some easily available things in our home. This handmade flower vase 

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I used the party popper roll to use as the skeleton in which the flowers can be kept

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  • Using a balloon and tissue paper ( paper mache technique) I made the body of the vase.
    Stick the tissue paper to the balloon with glue and water mixture and let it dry overnight. Once it dries cut off the balloon and you will get the above product.
  • Cut the holes of the party popper’s diameter

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Insert the roll in the body and adjust it properly

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  • Stick the tissue paper again over the roll and the body so that it holds the body and the roll after drying
  • You can add up some solid work for a self-design effect

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colored it black as the base color

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Decorate it with 3d liners or anything of your choice and your vase is ready!

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Courtesy: Art kala