Small, easy and quick rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

In this video, I am showing you how to draw small, easy and quick rangoli design. Try it out.

rangoli for beginners

The purpose of rangoli is decoration, and it is thought to bring good luck.
Design depictions may also vary as they reflect traditions, folklore and practices that are unique to each area.
It is traditionally done by women. Generally, this practice is showcased during occasions such as festivals, auspicious observances,
marriage celebrations and other similar milestones and gatherings. In Nepal, Colorful rangoli are made from dyes and are lit up at night outside peoples
homes and businesses.

Rangoli designs can be simple geometric shapes, deity impressions, or flower and petal shapes (appropriate for the given celebrations),
but they can also be very elaborate designs crafted by numerous people.

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

rangoli for beginners

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